Gospel Community Groups

What is a Gospel Community Group?
A Gospel Community Group is more than a Bible study. GCGs are interested in learning about and expressing the Gospel of Jesus Christ together. The goal is to know, to be known, to love and to be loved. We want to know, be known by, love and be loved by God. We want to know, be known by, love and be loved by each other. To that end, we spend a lot of time studying the Bible, encouraging each other, praying with and for each other, serving each other, and serving the community together.

What should I expect?
Each group is a little different. For example, some study the Bible passage from the latest sermon while others go through a different book of the Bible. They typically meet for 1-2 hours each week. They are all casual. Visitors and children are welcome. Questions are encouraged.

How do I join?
We have Gospel Community Groups meeting throughout the week. Please contact us or check out our Facebook page for specific times and locations. We would be delighted if you decided to come!